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A 2020 nationwide report ranked Vermont as 9th in the nation for afterschool programming (which was down from 4th 2014). The America After 3PM report, based on a comprehensive survey commissioned by the Afterschool Alliance, highlighted the progress Vermont has made over the past decade in providing quality afterschool programs while also documenting a growing need in our state. These programs play an essential role in communities throughout Vermont by keeping children and youth safe, inspiring them to learn, and supporting working families between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m.

The 2020 findings for Vermont, which reveal that 19,092 kids currently participate in out-of-school time programs, are as follows:


  • 39% (26,148) of Vermont’s K-12 children would participate (that don’t already do) in an afterschool program if one were available. This is up from 33% in 2014. Currently, for every child in an afterschool program in Vermont, one more child is waiting to get in.
  • 24% (21,001) of Vermont’s K-12 children are responsible for taking care of themselves after school. This is down from 41% in 2009.


  • 85% of Vermont parents are satisfied with the afterschool program their child attends.
  • 96% of Vermont parents report that their kids’ afterschool program has a knowledgeable and caring staff.
  • 82% of Vermont parents overall agree that afterschool programs provide working parents peace of mind.
  • 77% of Vermont parents agree that programs provide kids with opportunities to learn life skills, like the ability to communicate and work in teams.


  • 38% of parents say that programs are too expensive (the average weekly cost is $74 among programs that charge a fee).
  • 25% of parents say that programs are not available in their communities.
  • 14% of children in afterschool programs are from low-income households. This is the lowest in the entire nation.


  • 86% of Vermont parents are overwhelmingly in favor of public funding for afterschool.
  • 94% of democrats, 90% of independents, and 83% of republicans are in favor of public funding to support programming.


The top two factors in parents’ selection of an afterschool program are convenient hours and convenient location, which were each selected by 96% of participants.

See more about Vermont’s results as well as nationwide results from the Afterschool Alliance:

About America After 3PM

America After 3PM is a national survey of parents or guardians of school-aged children, screening 31,055 households and having 14,393 households completing in-depth interviews via an online survey using a blend of national consumer panels. At least 200 households completed interviews in every state and Washington D.C., between January 27 and March 17, 2020. Where the minimum could not be met, supplemental telephone interviews were conducted. Data were collected by Edge Research on behalf of the Afterschool Alliance. The percentages and projected numbers in America After 3PM are based on survey responses from parents. In Vermont, 244 households and 135 children were screened for this study. Child-level statewide projections and total school enrollment numbers are based on 2018-2019 Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Total school enrollment for Vermont is 85,915.