
Health & Safety Guidance

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The Vermont Department of Health’s website has the most current COVID-19 information. 

Because recent COVID-19 variants are highly transmissible, unvaccinated people are at a much higher risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. This includes children who are under 5 years old. To help protect our community, everyone should follow basic prevention steps:

  • Get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible
  • Stay home if you feel sick
  • Get tested if you have any symptoms, may be a close contact, or have taken part in activities that could put you at risk, such as large gatherings
  • Wash your hands regularly

What should you do if you think you might have a COVID case in your program?

If you learn of a positive case at your child care or out-of-school care program, contact the Department of Health’s Infectious Disease Epidemiology team. Call 802-863-7240 (Mon – Fri 7:45 AM – 4:30 PM, choose option 3; outside those hours, choose Option 7). The Department of Health website also has important guidelines on what to do if you have a suspected or confirmed case: