Field Forum – What Do DEI and Bees Have in Common?
Online ForumVermont Afterschool regularly hosts FREE field forums on different topics relating to out-of-school time providers and professionals including health, safety guidance, funding, advocacy, and more. Join Shalini from the State... Read more »
Memorial Day
A US federal holiday for mourning the men and women who fought and died while serving in the US armed forces.
Training – Connect and Co-Regulate for Children’s Social and Emotional Growth
Virtual TrainingRelationship is the foundation for all we do with children. It's via a close, caring connection that we can best nurture children. Just as we support children's intellectual and physical growth, children also need support for their social and emotional growth. This workshop describes the vital relationship at the center of our care for children... Read more »
Training – Equity and Inclusion Practices for Afterschool Staff
Virtual TrainingThis training is based on the Equity & Inclusion section offered in the National Afterschool Association’s Core Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies framework. Framed as a broad overview of the varied facets of Equity & Inclusion, this training talks about our own identities and their intersectionality, understanding and interrupting bias-based thinking, anti-racism practices, and youth safety,... Read more »
Jewish celebration of Moses' descent from Mt Sinai with the ten commandments.
Training – SEL-Based Opening Circles in Summer Camp
Virtual TrainingThis training expands upon the evidence and research supporting the practice of a daily circle in summer camp programming. Participants will learn about how to incorporate SEL into opening circle structure, why these few minutes are so important for setting the tone for the rest of the day, and how to build consistency in your... Read more »
Eid al-Adha
Islamic Ritual of Sacrifice. The day after Arafat, the most important day in Hajj ritural. A three-day festival recalling Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah.
A US federal holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. Juneteenth marks the anniversary of the announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas.
Independence Day
A US federal holiday to celebrate nationhood and commemorate the passage of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
First day of Muharram
Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar. The first day of Muharram is considered by many Muslims as the start of the New Year for Islam.