Community of Practice (Session 3 of 3): STARS CQI Plan
Virtual TrainingVermont Afterschool is offering a 3-part Community of Practice series to support afterschool programs in Vermont through the STARS process. Participants are encouraged to attend all three sessions. Session 1: Vermont STep Ahead Recognition System (STARS) Overview Facilitators: Courtney Isham, Child Care Quality Program Administrator (Child Development Division), Dacia Ostlund and Kathleen Bray, Vermont Afterschool... Read more »
Training: Youth Mental Health First Aid
Online WorkshopYouth Mental Health First Aid USA teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This virtual training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 12-18) who may be developing... Read more »
American Flatbread Benefit Bake for Jr Iron Chef VT
American Flatbread Burlington Hearth 115 St. Paul St, Burlington, VermontHelp support Jr Iron Chef VT by eating pizza at American Flatbread in Burlington, VT! A percentage of every order (eat-in and take-out) will be donated to support this career exploration program. $3.50 per large Flatbread & $1.75 per small Flatbread of every order (eat-in & take-out) will be donated to support Jr Iron Chef... Read more »
Christmas Day
Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Jewish Festival of Lights. It commemorates the Maccabean recapture and rededication of the Jerusalem Temple in 165-164 b.c.e.
An African American and Pan-African holiday celebrating family, community and culture.
New Year’s Day
The first day of the year in the modern Gregorian calendar.
Orthodox Christmas
Christian Orthodox celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Micro-Credential: Helping Them to Lead the Way
Do you want to support a group of youth to create change in their lives? Helping Them to Lead the Way is a five-part workshop series on the knowledge-base and skill sets for raising up youth voices and supporting them to create the change they see is needed in their lives, schools, and/or communities. From... Read more »
SEL Micro-Training: Transitions
Virtual TrainingFrom the school day to afterschool, the cafeteria to the library to the classroom, transitions in locations and activities can be hard for youth. In this workshop, we share strategies and tools to ensure your students stay motivated and engaged, even in down-time. What we know for sure: when transitions are handled with forethought, and... Read more »