Professional Development Workshops

Below is a list of all of the professional development workshops that can be requested by programs. Some workshops can be provided in a virtual format. Click on the name of any workshop to view more information. Use the Search icon in the upper right corner to narrow down the list, if necessary.

How to Schedule a Workshop

Afterschool program directors, site directors, or other authorized individuals charged with securing professional development trainings can request to schedule a specific training at their program. Trainings can be requested at any point in the year and efforts will be made to fill the request in a timely manner. For best results, please request a training at least four weeks in advance.  Please note that we require a minimum of 10 participants for each workshop (with a maximum of 40 participants).   

Professional Development Workshop Costs


    • The cost of trainings is typically $120/hour (minimum 2 hours per training) though pricing may vary according to training length and partnership agreement.

    • Licensed school-age programs are eligible for a cost reduction of 50% (limited reduced funding is available per year).

    • Additional training costs (such as food, space, consumable materials, and promotion except where noted on training MOU) are the responsibility of the host organization.

    • Mileage reimbursement for trainers traveling more than 20 miles is covered at the federal reimbursement rate and is the responsibility of the host organization (except where noted on training MOU).

    • The host sponsor and organization are responsible for registration of participants (minimum 8) and securing a site for the training.

Requesting a Workshop

Select your top preference from our trainings (above) and complete this intake form, or contact Becka Wilcke ( or 802-448-3464) with the following information:


    • Host organization

    • Host contact name

    • Address, phone, and email

    • Preferred training title

    • Second choice training title

    • Preferred date, time, and location of training

    • Second choice for date, time and location

We will receive your request, contact the trainer to secure the date and time for the training, and confirm the trainer with the host agency within two weeks of the request. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be sent to the host and trainer to confirm training details. An agreement between the host and trainer on mileage and expenses must be completed prior to both parties signing and returning the MOU to Vermont Afterschool.


Host organization will be invoiced by Vermont Afterschool for their portion of the training within 30 days of the training date.

*Trainings are subject to change based on new offerings and trainer availability. These trainings are funded in part by the State of Vermont’s Child Development Division and Agency of Education.