Jewish Festival of Lights. It commemorates the Maccabean recapture and rededication of the Jerusalem Temple in 165-164 b.c.e.
Christmas Day
Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
An African American and Pan-African holiday celebrating family, community and culture.
New Year’s Day
The first day of the year in the modern Gregorian calendar.
Orthodox Christmas
Christian Orthodox celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Field Forum: Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth
This training will provide information on disparities faced by LGBTQIA+ youth, basics of sexual and gender identity, and ways to support LGBTQIA+ youth with their social and mental health. Objectives:... Read more »
Martin Luther King Jr Day
A US federal holiday celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
Field Forum – Breaking STEM Stereotypes: Discussion and Planning
Vermont Afterschool regularly hosts FREE field forums on different topics relating to out-of-school time providers and professionals including health, safety guidance, funding, advocacy, and more. This interactive discussion will focus... Read more »
Training – Creating a Culture of Youth Voice
Youth voice is increasingly becoming a buzzword, but what does it really mean? This FREE workshop will help you build your understanding of what youth voice is and can be. It will also show you how you can infuse it into every aspect of your program and every level of your organization. Participants will leave... Read more »
Lunar New Year
Also known as Spring Festival, Lunar New Year is the celebration of the arrival or spring and the beginning of the new year on the lunisolar calendar. It is widely celebrated by East and Southeast Asian cultures, including Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean communities.